weather Switzerland Le Prese
  • 15 day forecast

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Today's Forecast

Nicolas LE GALL

Forecast produced by Nicolas LE GALL

Updated at - Next update at (local time)

In Short
expert la chaîne météo Expert’s summary

This afternoon in Le Prese, Changeable skies with risk of storms. Possibility of showers
Temperatures will vary between 19 and 26°C.
The reliability of the situation is relatively good.

This afternoon

Alternating sunshine and cloud, with a tendency to storms
26° Feels Like 30°
Gusts 35 km/h S 10 km/h
Long sunny periods, with a risk of changing to thundery weather.
Risk of showers.
Risk of rain 35 %
UV index 9 Very high

This evening

Stormy showers, or developing rainstorms
21° Feels Like 23°
Gusts 50 km/h Calm
Gradually turning overcast and changing to thundery weather.
Showers falling at the end of the evening.
Risk of rain 60 %
UV index 1 Low


18° Feels Like 16°
Gusts 50 km/h SE 10 km/h
Decreasing thunderstorm activity.
Heavy showers with a risk of hail.
Risk of rain 75 %


Saturday 29 june

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